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The Faculty of MedicineResearch
Positions of Strength at The Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg University

Positions of Strength

Our positions of strength illustrate six aspects in which we have particular strengths. The common factor to these strengths is that they fall under the umbrella we call ‘digital health’.

Positions of Strength at The Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg University

Clinical Health Service Research and Public Health

The healthcare system is under pressure due to increasing demand for services, and limited resources. To handle this pressure and improve the quality of healthcare service, the healthcare system must provide high-quality services most cost-effectively – in favour of the overall public health.

We conduct research, teaching and counselling to shed light on and find solutions to the challenges we have in our healthcare system, such as inequality in health. Our research produces the evidence needed to make good decisions for our healthcare system and improve the quality of healthcare service.

What characterises a position of strength?

A position of strength is a research area characterised by its strong professionalism - but also its international academic and clinical network. It is a research area with excellent interdisciplinary research, both internally at our faculty, with AAU's other faculties, and with other universities in Denmark.

Watch videos concerning our five positions of strength below:

With our positions of strength, we make a solid impression on the world. Doctors and engineers - or other professions - find solutions together and see it as their mission to solve society's health problems.

Ole Kæseler Andersen, Vice-Dean for Research, the Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University

What is digital health?

Digital health is about using health data to find health solutions. It includes data-driven personal medicine, bioinformatics, AI, genetic analysis, robotics, neural engineering, big data and much more.